1. This walk starts at the bottom of Chapel Road in Greenfield. Safely park here on the non-restricted length. Walk down and turn left at the bottom, passing Tesco and the Kingfisher pub. Turn left at the footpath sign just past Arthur’s Lane. The footpath soon follows the route of a disused single track goods railway line.
2. Keep on past Saddleworth High School on your left. Cross over Ryelands Drive and continue until you reach Brownhill Lane. Turn left here and then left again at the bend. The lane eventually goes under the viaduct and you join Wool Road. Directly over the road is the Brownhill Ctr. Grab a coffee here sitting next to the Huddersfield Narrow Canal. The next leg of the walk follows the canal towpath towards Uppermill.
3. Follow the towpath until you reach Moorgate Street road bridge. Come off here and walk down Moorgate St. to High Street. Opportunity here to wander around Uppermill.
4. Follow the riverside path until you reach Halls Way and turn right here over the footbridge. Immediately facing you the footpath again goes up to the canal. On the towpath turn left and the Kingfisher pub again comes into view on the left. The walk ends here.
Brownhill Ctr.
Kingfisher pub
Uppermill Circular Walk Map
Walks - Saddleworth Villages
You are now on Higher Arthurs Bridleway
Start of footpath just past Arthur’s Lane, Greenfield
You join Carr Lane for 20yds and then bear right.
Brownhill Ctr rear on Huddersfield Canal.
Turn right and walk down High St. Until you reach Bridge St. on you left. Walk down Bridge St. and over the road bridge which spans the River Tame. Immediately, after the bridge you turn right at the footpath sign.This section follows the route of the River Tame through Churchchill playing fields.