Quarries Walk Route Overview

Walks - Saddleworth Villages

The Quarries Circular Walk

We hope you enjoy the walk.

Distance: approx 2 miles   Approx time: 11/2 hours

Terrain: lanes and paths  

Grade: Easy  Parking: Brownhill Ctr, Uppermill.

Route Overview Map

The walk starts at the rear of the Brownhill Ctr on the Huddersfield canal. Walk towards the viaduct and then turn right over the canal bridge. Continue up Mow Halls Lane under the old railway bridge and then turn right to get on the track. At this point you are at the end of the famous Delph Donkey pathway.

Walk up Mow Halls Lane under the old railway bridge.

Walk towards the viaduct and then right over bridge.

Turn right and right again to join the Quarries path.

Top of Uppermill Viaduct peeping through the trees.

This pleasant path now goes on running next to the railway line for a mile or so. On your left you will first see the top of Uppermill viaduct and then views down to Uppermill village. On your right you will eventually see the first of the now disused quarries, Ladcastle Quarry. This section of the walk is framed by small trees, heather and bilberries.

Moorgate Quarry is a fantastic place to explore. There are 3 different nature trails that you can follow from the information board at the entrance. The natural ponds attract a wide variety of wildlife. It’s easy to spend an hour or more walking around the quarry and it’s a great spot for a picnic.

Turn right at the path T-junction and left at Ladcastle Rd.

Dark Lane track.

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BrownHill Ctr.

Moorgate Quarry

Ladcastle Quarry


BrownHill Ctr.

Quarries Walk - Mow Halls Lane Quarries Walk - end of Delph Donkey Moorgate Quarry - top of Uppermill Viaduct Quarries Walk - views over Uppermill to Pots and Pans obelisk

Views over Uppermill to Pots and Pans obelisk

Quarries Walk - Ladcastle Quarry 1

Ladcastle Quarry -  walk in to explore

Ladcastle   Quarry

Quarries Walk - Ladcastle Quarry 2

At the end of this section we head towards the next quarry, Moorgate Quarry.

Turn right at the path T-junction, walk up to Ladcastle Road and then turn left to walk to the entrance of Moorgate Quarry.

Ladcastle   Road

Quarries Walk - Moorgate Quarry entrance

Entrance to Moorgate Quarry

Moorgate Quarry View 1 Moorgate Quarry View 1 Moorgate Quarry View 3 Moorgate Quarry View Heather

Moorgate Quarry with the heather flowering is spectacular.

Moorgate Quarry

After your look round Moorgate Quarry you can retrace your steps to the entrance. Turn left at Ladcastle Road and walk back up to the track on your right. This track is called Dark Lane.  Proceed down ignoring the track on the left that you came on. At the bottom of the track you come to an unmanned level crossing. Take care when crossing the line.

Quarry Walk Dark Lane Quarry Walk Railway Crossing

Take care when crossing the railway line.

Once you are safely across the railway line you will exit onto Moorgate St. Walk down this quiet street and you will soon find yourself in the hustle and bustle of busy Uppermill.

(An alternative route back is along the canal towpath which you can access from the bridge on Moorgate St)

Turn left at the bottom and walk along High St. Take time to have a look at the statue of the famous Saddleworth poet Ammon Wrigley by the side of the carpark. A 15 min walk gets you back to the start of the walk at the Brownhill Ctr.

Quarry Walk-  Moorgate St Quarry Walk-  High St Uppermill

Walk down Moorgate St into Uppermill village.

The busy High St. Uppermill

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